Android users are more at risk for banking app security flaws; how Google is combatting coronavirus-related cyberthreats
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Google: We've got 1,000 interns working on open-source projects--from home

Students enrolled in Google's summer internship programme will work from home this year and focus mostly on open-source projects.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Popular mobile banking apps are riddled with security flaws, and Android users are more at risk

How Google is combatting coronavirus-related cyberthreats

How to set up Emergency Sharing on a Google Pixel device

How to get started with Google Chat rooms

9 tips for audio conferencing with Google Meet

Featured multimedia

Return to work: What the new normal will look like post-pandemic (free PDF)

COVID-19 completely upended the traditional approach to working. As the economy begins to re-open post-pandemic, the new normal of work, business travel, and office space is being redefined and discovered across industries. What will the post-COVID-19 workplace look like? What role will technology play as workers return to office spaces? This free PDF download from TechRepublic explores how workforces will operate, what future work spaces will look like, and what technology's role will be in these transitions post-pandemic.

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