August 16, 2022
Dear Valued Reader,

The invasion of Ukraine put a little spring in the step of uranium speculators earlier this year... will that build into another real bull market, or a speculative frenzy in the junior uranium miners?  That's the potential teased by Nick Hodge and Gerardo Del Real in recent ads, and they particularly highlight one junior miner that could be the big US winner -- so I fed the clues to the Thinkolator to see which name they like, just click below to..

This is troubling. Have you heard of CPO26? Amid the distractions caused by lingering health issues, conflicts overseas, shortages and inflation… Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen took the stage at CPO26 in Scotland to address the world. Yellen called for world leaders to commit to a $150 trillion 'global transition' of our economy. 131 countries, 234 cities and 695 of the world's biggest companies have all signed the accord. What does this mean for your money? Click here to find out before it's too late.


Dr. David Efirig hinted last week that he was adding a new recomendation to his Prosperity Investor newsletter, and he dropped a few  hints about what it was -- he's touting a leading med-tech company that's been a long-term outperformer and dividend growth story, and the Thinkolator has a good match for us... just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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