Hep Email Update
One Third of People With Hepatitis C Are Unaware of Their Status
Older people, men and people living in poverty and lacking private insurance were more likely to have active HCV infection.
Hepatitis B 2030 Elimination Goal May Fall Short
While global hepatitis B virus prevalence has decreased, elimination by 2030 may not be feasible.
Generic Hepatitis B Drugs Increase Access, Cut Medicare Costs
Generic drugs are cheaper and lead to better treatment compliance compared with brand-name drugs.
$12M Grant for Research on Early Liver Transplantation
Researchers will conduct a seven-year study and develop an updated archive of data on alcohol and liver health.
A New Medicare Proposal Would Cover Training for Family Caregivers
About 42 million Americans provided unpaid care to people 50 and older in 2020.
Hep A Outbreaks
Our map outlines where in the United States active cases of hepatitis A have been reported in the past 12 months on a scale from 0 to 100 relative to other states.

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