From: Stock Gumshoe<>
Subject: What's being touted by Stansberry's Extreme Value?
Preheader: Checking the ads from Dan Ferris
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April 11, 2018
email formatted funny? Web version
Dear Valued Reader,

The questions about Stansberry's latest promotion are piling in, so we're trying to answer them... which is fairly easy, since the current ad for Ferris' Exteme Value about the "#1 stock recommendation of my career" is a rehash of an ad that we wrote about back in February.  Ferris says this is a royalty company, and "collecting royalties is one of the most lucrative businesses on earth" ... so he's talking this up as a 20X opportunity over the long term.  What's the story?  We've 'refreshed' our answer for you by posting an update of that article -- just click below to...

Silicon Valley insiders did NOT want you to see this sensitive information about the hottest IPO in history.

But now one of their own is revealing how ANYBODY can profit off the revolution driving the fastest-growing company in the world…

BEFORE it goes public!

I’m not sure how long this message can stay up…

Click here to discover the secret before it’s too late!


Over the weekend I got some questions about a "Best IPO I've Ever Seen" pitch from Motley Fool Rule Breakers, so we'll dig in and get you some quick answers about that one... it's a stock that one of the analysts promoted as the "Next Netflix" and said he rushed to buy on the actual first day of trading.  And lo and behold, now that I've looked over the clues I can tell you that I own this one, too, and wrote to the Irregulars about it just last week -- but I won't keep it a secret, just click below to...

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