If you're like us, a cheeky glass or two of something liquid and red plus Netflix ....
🗓 Thursday, June 6, 2024
#1 sign you are (you’ll never guess what it is!)
If you're like us, a cheeky glass or two of something liquid and red plus Netflix (and the kids in bed) is our idea of an epic night these days (that's what it's come to) 🙂

But how do you know if you're drinking too much?

One of these is the first indicator that you are drinking too much & you're going to gain weight.
Click the one you think it is (the answer will surprise you)

Research has proven fat-burning depends on healthy liver function, however a healthy liver is not usually linked to consuming alcohol (the opposite is true)

This MEDITERRANEAN NUTRITIONAL QUIRK you'll see by clicking this link actually purifies your liver of toxins from your favorite drink, be it vino, beer or even something a bit stronger!

Meaning you can lose weight while still enjoying a glass or two ;)