
A former campaign staffer for President Donald Trump said in a lawsuit that he “forcibly kissed” her before a campaign rally she helped organize. More than a dozen women have made similar claims in recent years. “This accusation is absurd on its face,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.—Josh Petri

Here are today's top stories

General Electric soared 15 percent after agreeing to sell its bio-pharma business to Danaher Corp. for $21.4 billion.

More than three-quarters of economists expect the U.S. to enter a recession by the end of 2021, according to a new survey.

Facebook has about 15,000 content reviewers, almost all of whom work not for the tech giant itself, but for staffing firms. The arrangement has angered the company's own employees.

Ambrosia gave young blood to old people in a bid to slow aging. Then the FDA brought the hammer down.

Avoiding the ruinous effects of climate change will require removing massive amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. Here are five ways to do it.

At the Oscars on Sunday night, fashion came with a dash of politics. Trump lashed out at Spike Lee after his acceptance speech.

What's Joe Weisenthal thinking about? The Bloomberg news director is excited about JPM Coin, the JPMorgan-backed "crypto-currency" which could usher in a future of "un-fungible money." What does that mean? Basically, money could have rules attached to it.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to read in Businessweek

How Pharma Lost Its Edge in Washington

For decades drug manufacturers in the U.S. have been able to set prices virtually at will. They introduce new pharmaceuticals with five- or even six-figure price tags, while they raise the prices of existing drugs as much as 10 percent a year. Unlike their counterparts in the airline or auto industries, most leaders of these companies have never appeared before Congress. Until now.

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