What are you thankful for?
Whether the first thought that comes to mind is a new deadlift PR or long morning runs — or both — we're thankful for our fit-minded Oxygen family. That, of course, includes you!
If you're hosting a family feast today, we're willing to bet you'll find the recipes below useful for any leftovers tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, we know many a fitness junkie will want to get right back on track. The 30-day meal plan below has you covered right up until Santa shows up for cookies — and yes, there's leeway for any holiday gatherings along the way because, well, 'tis the season!
While you have some fun with your meals, don't forget about your workouts. We've put together some next-level variations on classic exercises like planks and deadlifts to add some zest to your fitness regimen. Plus, any longtime Oxygen reader knows the importance of switching things up from time to time.
Now, go finish prepping for that Thanksgiving dinner!
— Rose McNulty, Senior Digital Editor