Tech Digest August 2018
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Dear John,

Cyber attackers are always looking for new entry points into the corporate enterprise — which means that enterprise defenders must keep their eyes peeled for the latest security vulnerabilities and exploits reported by victims or disclosed by security researchers.

This Dark Reading Tech Digest explores ten emerging security threats to enterprise data, all of which could put your enterprise data at risk.

When you download this Digest you will read the following:

  • 10 Emerging Threats Every Enterprise Should Know About - You may have heard about some of these; others have been recently disclosed. All of them could put your enterprise data at risk.
  • Trading Platforms Riddled with Severe Flaws - Despite routing trillions of dollars of stock and commodity trades every day, financial cousins to online banking applications are written very insecurely.
  • Cracking Cortana: The Dangers of Flawed Voice Assistants - Researchers at Black Hat USA showed how vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s Cortana highlight the need to balance security with convenience.
  • New Hack Weaponizes the Web Cache - Researcher exploits design flaws in web caching to take control of popular websites, frameworks — and the Mozilla Firefox browser infrastructure.

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We hope you enjoy Dark Reading's Tech Digest on ten emerging threats.

Thank you,

Tim Wilson
Editor, Dark Reading


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