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Stat of the Day
The year-over-year inflation rate as of March, according to the Consumer Prices Index. That’s the highest rate of inflation since 1981. Clark has tips on combating inflation as you approach or enjoy retirement.
Which States Offer the Most and Least Expensive Car Insurance?
New Orleans may make a great vacation town. Just don’t register a car in Louisiana unless you want a massive insurance bill. Here are the best and worst states when it comes to car insurance pricing.
Don’t Give Your Social Security Number at These 10 Places
Whether you’re doing your tax return, visiting the doctor or handling college paperwork, people are asking for your Social Security number at every turn these days. When should you actually give it out?
Retailer Offers Nearly Unbelievable Prices on Eyeglasses
Purchase eyeglasses starting at less than $10 from this inexpensive yet quality online retailer. Team Clark reviews it in detail.
5 Ways To Live Below Your Financial Means
Clark’s simplest financial tip is to spend less than you make. But how do you do that? Here are five key tips to follow in order to nail that financial building block.
Top Resources for April
4 Solar LED Bright Deck Lights for $12, Free Shipping
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The Best Deals at Target This Week!
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Walmart Elder Scam Protection
Elder scams are horrible and can ruin lives, but Walmart has helped prevent nearly $4 million gift card scams. That's incredible!
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