October 9, 2016

10 Foods to Help You Stave Off Colds and Flu

With the vibrant colors of autumn also comes cold and flu season. Abrupt changes in temperature (chilly nights and the occasional still-warm day) seem to throw our immune systems out of whack, and in colder weather, we spend more time indoors,...Read More

It's Soup Season! Here’s Our 50 Best Recipes

Turn on those ovens! Fire up the stove! Tis the season to begin roasting, baking, and feeling the comfort of heat in the kitchen.Summer is over and fall is finally here. With the changing season, cold weather apprehension has turned to romantic...Read More

Host the Best Game-Day Party Ever — At Home

Although ideally we would be able to spend almost every weekend tailgating at the game, feasting on hot dogs and beer in the stadium’s parking lot, it’s not always possible. For those of you who can’t make it out to your team’s tailgate every...Read More

7 Things You Didn't Know About Diabetes and Diet

There are currently 29 million Americans living with diabetes, an overwhelming majority of those cases being Type 2 diabetes, also known as non-insulin-dependent or adult onset diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is most prevalent in adults over the age of 35...Read More
Sugar-Free Doesn’t Mean Carbohydrate-Free

Lemonade Cocktail Recipes Perfect for Any Season

The truth is, National Lemonade Day might not have been that exciting this year had it not been for Beyonce and her epic movie/music release. The basic lemonade recipe has been popular for years: mix some simple syrup with fresh lemon juice and...Read More

Tired of Kale? Here Are 15 Recipes That'll Change Your Mind

Kale can be difficult to eat if not prepared properly; when raw, the flavor is intensely earthy and slightly bitter, and texturally, the leaves are fibrous and tough. Nevertheless, the powerful nutritional properties have made this green famous — a...Read More

Brigham Young Starts ‘Milktoberfest’ Tradition

Oktoberfest is a beloved drinking holiday at universities around the world, but not at Brigham Young University, where consuming alcohol goes against the school’s honor code and is not allowed. Now, however, BYU students will get their own version,...Read More
Foamy milk

Drunk Birds Fall All Over Road, Cause Huge Traffic Jams

Drivers in Austria who were innocently trying to get where they were going this week suddenly found themselves in “a horror movie” when a cloud of birds started dropping onto the road and flying right into moving cars, and experts now say all the...Read More

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