Negotiating Remote Work Agreements; The Daredevil Mindset; How Tech Debt Hampers Modernization

InformationWeek Leadership careers
March 01, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Hardest IT Jobs to Fill
If you’re an IT leader or tech manager struggling to hire for one of these positions, you’re not alone. If you’re an IT professional with experience in these roles, you’re in luck.

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Negotiating Remote Work Agreements as Listings Thin

As organizations angle to get workers back to a more regular in-office work schedule, IT professionals are still in a strong position to bargain for remote and hybrid agreements.
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Embrace a Psychological Daredevil Mindset

Here are four top strategies for navigating anxieties over the economy and its future.
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How Technical Debt Hampers Modernization Efforts for Organizations

Recent crew-scheduling challenges for Southwest Airlines highlight the need for companies to fix old software to avoid incurring technical debt.
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  • The Importance of Bespoke Security

    In this webinar, you will hear from our subject matter experts, Hanah Darley, Head of Threat Research and Toby Lewis, Global Head of Threat Analysis. The discussion will cover the difference between media coverage of cyber threats compared with the ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Closing the Cybersecurity Talent Gap
Talented cybersecurity professionals are hard to find. Imagination and perseverance can help make the search easier. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Need for Total Enterprise Reinvention Has Never Been Greater
As levels of disruption reach new heights and companies around the world face unprecedented change, a small group of leaders are adopting a ‘total enterprise reinvention’ strategy that puts digital at its core and embeds new ways of working across the entire organization. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Q&A: US Patent and Trademark Office's CIO on Cloud and DevSecOps
Jamie Holcombe talks about developing a “software factory” drawing upon DevSecOps methodology and GitLab to help it modernize software development within his agency. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The DDoS Attack on German Airport Websites and What IT Leaders Can Learn
A DDoS attack recently took down the websites for several German airports. We compare this incident with other recent attacks against airports and explain how companies can protect against future DDoS attacks. Read More
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