November 30, 2016

10 Health Foods Everyone Was Talking About in 2016

The newest health food trends are often unexpected. Who could’ve guessed that crickets would be the next exciting form of sustainable protein, or that pasta could be made from lentils, chickpeas, peas, quinoa, or black beans? They might appear...Read More
Monk Fruit

25 Slow-Cooker Soups and Stews for Winter

There is just nothing like the simple comfort that a warm bowl of steaming soup or hearty stew can provide. Especially in winter, when the temperature drops and the air turns icy, stepping through the doorway to the delightful smells emitting from a...Read More

8 Tips to Help You Survive Holiday Shopping Madness

Christmastime is the season of giving. You show others that you love them through caring gestures, spending time together, and did we mention presents? Oh yes, presents. And that means one thing: It’s holiday shopping season.Click Here for the 8...Read More

The Dishwasher versus Hand-Washing Debate Has Finally Been Solved — Sort Of

In the realm of domestic affairs, few things seem to generate as much universal contention as the argument over washing dishes by hand versus washing them in a dishwashing machine. Which method gets dishes cleaner? Which uses less water?We reached...Read More
Photo by Design Platform

10 Things Only People From Hawaii Say

The archipelago of Hawaii is incredibly isolated, being 2,390 miles away from the United States mainland and, in the other direction, about 3,850 miles from Japan. Throughout many years of working together on sugarcane plantations in the islands,...Read More
Shaka hand gesture

The Ultimate Holiday Party Survival Guide

The holiday season is officially here, and that means one thing: endless parties to attend. Whether you’re going to the office holiday party, your friend’s annual New Year’s Eve bash, or even the family Christmas gathering, it’s time to get ready...Read More
Socializing at Christmas

Blogger Spotlight: The Ninja Baker

Kim Watkinson is The Ninja Baker. Although a current Santa Monica, California, resident, this crafty cupcake aficionado and baker spent the first 17 years of her life living in Tokyo with her businessman-father and pro-tennis star mother (Dorothy...Read More

How to Take Your Elf on the Shelf to the Next Level

Based on a picture book of the same name, the Elf on the Shelf is a relatively new holiday tradition that has taken on a life of its own. The little elf is meant to be a “scout” for Santa Claus who watches over children during the month of December...Read More
Elf on the Shelf

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