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December 4, 2016

10 Homemade Edible Christmas Gifts People Will Actually Eat

In the age of smartphones, Netflix-ready flat screen TVs, virtual reality headsets, and technology-heavy kids’ toys, the price of your Christmas shopping list can add up fast. After spending hundreds (and possibly thousands) of dollars on big-ticket...Read More
Swirled Peppermint Bark

7 Tips for Surviving Holiday Houseguests

The holidays are a time when people travel far and wide to be near family and friends. Some go to visit with loved ones, others return home, and still others try out the holidays in a totally new environment.At a time of year where the cost of...Read More

24 Christmas Specials to Stream This December

After 11 long months of waiting, December has finally arrived. And though the new month means cold weather and some of the year’s shortest days, it also means that it is officially Christmastime. The holiday season is filled with fun family...Read More

8 Tips to Help You Survive Holiday Shopping Madness

Christmastime is the season of giving. You show others that you love them through caring gestures, spending time together, and did we mention presents? Oh yes, presents. And that means one thing: It’s holiday shopping season.Click Here for the 8...Read More

5 Ways to Get Kids Outside This Winter

Wintertime can be a little rough on families with small children. Cold weather, rough roads, and shorter days are a recipe for kids to be cooped up and quickly grow restless. Even in the winter, it’s important for children to be active for roughly...Read More
Kids Outside

Take This Short Quiz to Find Out What Kind of Christmas Cookie You Are

Christmas cookies: Everybody loves to eat them, many love to bake them, and few think about what sort of cookie they would be if they had to be a Christmas cookie. If, somehow, you fall in the latter category and have yet to come to a conclusion, we...Read More
Christmas cookies

4 Adorable, Easy Snowman Treats That Will Melt Your Heart

Nothing says winter has finally arrived more than some freshly fallen, powdery snow. And there’s no better use for snow than to build a snowman. Not only is it an easy way to get the family outside during the coldest months of the year, but it helps...Read More
Marshmallow Snowman

Eat Like Mariah Carey With This 1 Dish

Mariah Carey has been looking pretty incredible these days. After years of fluctuating weight, the iconic pop star is slim once again ahead of the premiere of her new reality series Mariah’s World. And the mother of two does not attribute exercise...Read More
Salmon with Capers
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