TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 14, 2017

Aaahhhhhpocalypse Now!: 10 Dark Visions Headed Your Way

By Don Hazen, Kali Holloway, AlterNet Staff, AlterNet

First, the bad news. READ MORE»

McConnell's Latest Health Care Bill Is Even Worse, Gutting Coverage and Raising Costs for Tens of Millions

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

"I knew this bill was unfixable. What I didn't count on was that it would get worse." READ MORE»

Betsy DeVos: The Queen of Obfuscation, Talking Nonsense

By Jennifer Berkshire, AlterNet

DeVos' talking points mask a radical vision. Why won't she talk about what she believes?  READ MORE»

The Greatest Story Too Rarely Told: America Is an Oligarchy

By John Atcheson, AlterNet

We live in a nation controlled by corporate power and the individually wealthy. And the major press, of course, is in on the con. READ MORE»

Bernie Sanders Holds Highest Approval Rating at Home, Mitch McConnell Is Dead Last

By Charlie May, Salon

Even as approval ratings continue to fall in the Senate, Sanders has remained on top—while everybody hates Mitch. READ MORE»

Donald Trump Is Working to Make America Whiter by Dramatically Restricting Legal Immigration

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

The Trump team is devising a bill that would greatly reduce legal immigration. READ MORE»

Iraq War Veterans Warn: Mosul 'Victory' Is Prelude to Iraqi State-Failure

By Nafeez Ahmed, AlterNet

Months ago, Iraq War veterans accurately predicted not only the imminent victory in Mosul — but also the inevitable collapse in its aftermath. READ MORE»

Living the American Dream in a Trailer Park

By Sarah Terry,

Home to some 20 million people—6 percent of Americans—they are the nation’s largest source of unsubsidized affordable housing, offering a shot at the American dream to people who can’t afford a traditional home. READ MORE»

Black, American, and Armed

By Ira Berkley, The American Prospect

With concerns about police violence and white supremacist groups mounting, some black gun owners have decided to take charge of their own safety. READ MORE»

Why Are So Many People Dying from Opiate Overdoses? It's Our Broken Society

By Marc Lewis, The Guardian

Forget the ‘war on drugs’ or laying all blame on pharmas, this epidemic exists because millions live in a world without hope, certainty and structure.  READ MORE»

Yes, Trump Should Definitely Build a Wall—but Not on the Mexican Border

By Elliott Negin, AlterNet

In fact, Trump should build several walls—to keep out the rising sea. READ MORE»

Trump-Loving Airbnb Host Ordered to Pay $5,000 for Telling Woman She Wouldn't Rent to Asians

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Her penance also includes a personal apology, taking a course in Asian-American studies and volunteering with a civil rights organization.  READ MORE»

Nevada Is Running Out of Weed, and It's Causing a State of Emergency

By Charlie May, Salon

Nevada dispensaries are struggling to keep their pot shops filled with the goods due to strict state regulations. READ MORE»

Gardening As One Way to Fight Trump-Era Hopelessness

By Frida Berrigan, TomDispatch

One family's effort to grow their way out of despair. READ MORE»

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