InformationWeek Leadership
User Accountability; Diverse Leadership and Startup Success; Digital Twins and the Metaverse

InformationWeek Leadership careers
May 31, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Industries Hiring Tech Workers Now
Tech companies have been laying off workers at a rapid pace, but plenty of other industries are looking to hire those who’ve been let go.

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Is It Time for User Accountability?

CIOs have focused on an IT service culture, but how much is too much, and what responsibilities fall to users?
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The Key to Startup Success? Bridging Diverse Leadership Skills

Increased economic pressures, coupled with the fast-paced technology market, have created a need for multifaceted leadership to ensure startup success.
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DOS Won’t Hunt: Digital Twins and The Metaverse We Have Not Seen

Instead of a virtual getaway destination that seems like a hybrid of Roblox, Minecraft, and Second Life, why not focus the Metaverse around digital twins?
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  • Here's What Zero Trust Really Means

    Credential theft, lateral movement and other cyberattack tricks have foiled perimeter security again and again. We know that the old philosophy of trusting everything and everyone inside a network is no longer sound. The zero-trust model - trust nothing, verify ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Must-Have Enterprise Cloud Skills
To thrive in today’s multi-cloud environment, every enterprise IT team needs professionals with these 10 cloud computing skills. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
4 Big AI Sustainability Prospects, and One Big Problem
With the hype swirling around AI’s generative language possibilities, some of the less discussed benefits could drive innovation for a sustainable future. But there’s a snag that needs a solution. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
RSA Takeaways: New Awareness Needed vs Sophisticated Cyberattacks
Bad actors are taking advantage of generative AI and social media, but defenders are also changing tactics. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
IT Skills: Top 10 Programming Languages for 2023
If you’re working in enterprise IT (or looking for a job), you probably need to know at least one of these programming languages. Read More
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