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Jul 26, 2017
10 IT jobs robots will do in the future

In the ever-forward march of progress, the often repeated tale of the Industrial Revolution was that farmers lost work when machines came into practice. Many researchers are predicting we're in a revolution of our own – one that involves artificial intelligence and automation.more…


Microsoft to kill beloved MS Paint program

Tragedy rocked the online world this week when Microsoft released its plans to kill MS Paint, a simple image editing and creation program that's been on Windows OS for 32 years.more…

Black Hat USA streamed live from Mandalay Bay

Couldn't make it out to Vegas for the Black Hat USA conference this year? That's no problem, since Dark Reading is bringing some of the conference coverage to you.more…

Hadoop databases expose 5,120TB of data

Do you remember the MongoDB apocalypse, when improperly configured online databases exposed 25TB of data? There's now a much larger risk that threatens companies worldwide.more…

Password management service compromised in attack

People use password managers because they’re supposed to be safer than several alternatives, such as writing down passwords on a piece of paper or using the same one across multiple accounts.more…

Missing laptop? Your firm could be out $2.5M when replacing it

The cost of replacing a stolen laptop? $2.5 million.more…

Every Fortune 500 company exposed on the darknet

If you believed Fortune 500 companies, with their larger budgets and widespread global influence, had stronger cybersecurity than small and mid-sized companies, you'd be mistaken. more…

Proof that helping people can be a total waste of time and money

No doubt you've heard the buzz-phrase that you're part of a larger team at your company. Everyone works together to make sure things are running smoothly and everyone looks out for each other. As it turns out, according to two separate studies, that approach may be taxing on IT staff- sorry, team members.more…



The Essentials of Cloud 2017 Kit

The Essentials of Cloud 2017 Kit, includes the latest in information, coverage of important developments, and expert commentary to help with your Cloud related decision.

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The Essentials for CTOs July 2017 Kit

The Essentials for CTOs July 2017 Kit, brings together the latest information, coverage of important developments, and expert commentary to help with your CTO related decisions.

Learn more!  more…