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SUMMER10: 10% off your next booking
Exclusive £10 discount voucher
It's that time of the year where thinking of how to entertain the kids can be a bit of a head scratcher... Have no fear, we have you covered this summer with our fantastic family shows, which even the grownups are going to love. Explore different worlds at Dinosaurs in the Wild and The Hunting of the Snark, meet your favourite pups in Paw Patrol Live! around the UK or be mesmerised with a feel-good musical at Annie or The Wind in the Willows. Whatever you decide to book, you'll be making memories to last a lifetime
Code is valid for a limited selection of shows, which can be found here
Minimum spend is £40
Voucher code will be valid until July 23rd, 11:59PM but it can be used on any available performance date
The voucher code can be used in conjunction with other offers available at the link above
The voucher code must be entered in the field "Please insert your promo code" in the secure checkout page
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