This week's FierceBiotech is brought to you by Rho.


Hi Colleague,

Need help developing your clinical protocol? Not sure where to start? Look no further! Rho now offers a 10-Step Commercial Clinical Protocol Authoring Guide. This easy-to-download guide provides detailed information on what can often be an extensive and time-consuming process. In it, you and your team will find tips on your study protocol while also minimizing risks for amendments and errors.


Of course, it helps to have all the tools necessary to properly author a protocol, which is why Rho also provides a Clinical Protocol Template. Our template, now available online, includes all required sections for ICH compliance and provides helpful guidance text so you can spend more time on designing your study and less time on writing. Once downloaded, the template can be used over and over to help standardize your protocol writing process. 


Have questions or need further assistance? Feel free to reach out! 


Karley St. Pierre 
Communications Associate 

6330 Quadrangle Drive 
Chapel Hill, NC 27517 
(p) 919-595-6603

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