July 25, 2016

10 Tasty No-Heat Summer Meals

This collection of summer dishes requires zero heat. That’s right: no oven, no grill, no stove, no microwave, not even boiling water allowed! [related]No heat inevitably means that the majority of these proposed options are either vegetarian or...Read More
no cook summer meal

The 15 Best Chain Restaurant Happy Hours

Ahh, happy hour. That brief, shining window, generally during weekday afternoons and early evenings, when bars roll back drink prices in an effort to lure in customers. But while bars are still great sources of happy hours, plenty of restaurants are...Read More

8 Best Restaurants in Hawaii

Surf, sun, and tropical drinks — that’s what Hawaii is about, and it’s all you’re probably dreaming of when looking forward to an upcoming island vacation. But wait, what about food? Does this little group of volcanic rocks in the middle of the...Read More
8 Best Restaurants in Hawaii

Quick and Easy Dishes to Feed a Crowd at Your Summer Cookouts

There’s no better way to spend a summer weekend than by hosting your friends and family at the tastiest cookout in your own backyard. Basking in the sunshine, sipping on refreshing drinks, everyone’s favorite tunes playing on the speakers, and wafts...Read More

11 Ultimate Grilled Dinner Party Desserts

As soon as the steaks and corn on the cob are cooked, we typically go to turn off our grill, with no further need for it that evening. [related] But what if next time you were cooking dinner on the grill for you and friends, you left it on, wiped it...Read More
Grilled Peaches

The 14 Best Burgers in California

Is there any food more quintessentially American than the burger? The simple sandwich of ground beef on a bun allows for considerable creativity from the chef or home cook who's making it, and there are thousands of variations, from one...Read More
Gott's Roadside

Yes, You Can Make Bakery-Quality Bread at Home

Basic bread is composed of four simple ingredients: flour, water, yeast, and salt. That’s all it takes. Yet even though the ingredient list is simple, the process isn’t always that easy.Click here for the 7 Essential Tips to Make Better Bread at...Read More

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