July 17, 2016

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Fried Chicken

Fried chicken, when cooked properly, is one of the most delicious foods on earth. We tracked down ten interesting facts about this staple’s origins and history, as well as a few handy tips on how to make the perfect batch in your very own kitchen.10...Read More
Fried Chicken

America's 35 Best Ribs 2016

What makes a rack of ribs excellent? Should the meat be falling off the bone? Be doused in a sauce? How tender is too tender? Is there a nice, well-seasoned “bark” surrounding the meat? The answers to these questions will vary depending on who you...Read More

24 Best College Towns in America for Food

When high school students start applying to college, their future degree and quality of education should come first and foremost. Of course, it’s also important to remember that not all 24 hours of every day will be spent in a classroom or library....Read More
24 Best College Towns in America for Food

Why Do Barbecue Pitmasters Wear Black Gloves?

If you’ve been keeping tabs on de rigeur accessories for barbecue pitmasters these days, you’ve probably noticed that just about all of them, when they wear gloves, choose to wear jet black ones. We’ve never seen anyone wearing black gloves except...Read More
Brad Orrison

12 Foods and Drinks That Will Keep You Up at Night

How did you sleep last night? We hope you slept like a baby, since the medical benefits of a good night's rest simply cannot be overemphasized. “Sleep is vital for allowing your brain to regenerate after a long day, and being well-rested helps to...Read More
Sleep-Ruining Foods

How to Make the Cheesecake Factory’s Recipes at Home

When you hear, “Let’s go to The Cheesecake Factory,” your mind probably races to the long bakery case at the front of every restaurant where you can imagine yourself drooling over the crazy number of heavenly, decadent cheesecake options. (My...Read More
Tasty Cheesecake Factory Recipes

22 Ways to Transform Humble Fried Eggs into a Decadent Dinner

There’s one simple way of transforming every bowl of leftovers you’ve ever eaten late on a weekday evening into a decadent dinner: By serving it with a fried egg on top. A fried egg may seem like a humble ingredient, incapable of adding such an...Read More
Fried Egg

Denmark Tries to Lure Tourists with Bars for Dogs

The Danish town of Holstebro has noticed falling tourism rates recently, and in an effort to do something about it, the town has decided to introduce dog bars where pets can have snacks and drinks, and their human people can relax, too. [related]...Read More
Sleeping dog

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