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10 tips for achieving more with fewer resources, from the new book Stretch

Rice University management professor Scott Sonenshein explains how to use constraints to make your company more creative and adaptable.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Five network diagramming tools that live on the web

CIO Jury: One-third of tech leaders had trouble finding cybersecurity staff last year

Ask big data experts for help zeroing in on accurate performance targets

5 surefire ways to avoid project failures

How to do a COE the wrong way

Kanban: The benefits of using this agile PM framework

Survey: Is DevOps the way to get things done faster and better?

In this Tech Pro Research survey, we're asking how companies are implementing DevOps, what benefits they're seeing, and what drawbacks DevOps have in their organizations. If your company uses DevOps or may have a use for it, or if it's something you're considering, please share your experiences on the topic. Take the survey, and get a copy of the research report.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Harnessing IoT in the enterprise

The tech revolution is spreading to every corner of the earth with the Internet of Things, and it's enabling data analytics and automation in ways never before imagined in business.

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