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  May 30, 2019 Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on LinkedIn

Crisis communication: 10 tips for hospitals to prepare for a disaster

Hurricanes, floods, fires, and other natural and manmade incidents can strike anytime, anywhere. Faced with such disasters, hospitals must not only respond to the emergency but also maintain continuity of patient care under the most trying circumstances imaginable.

Newsletter Articles

BHS-Next month, BHS becomes Healthcare Safety Leader

Now we are happy to announce your newsletter is evolving into the new Healthcare Safety Leader starting with next month’s issue. The newsletter will be written by editor A.J. Plunkett, who has written BHS’ sister publication Environment of Care Leader (ECL) for the last several years.

HLSC-Healthcare facilities in retail facilities and boutique malls

Take a look around in those suburban and rural areas that used to be home to giant shopping malls and strip malls. In many places they are now abandoned eyesores, especially as the future of shopping becomes mixed developments surrounding living and social spaces, and as online retail increasingly trumps the traditional physical storefront.

MEU-PSMF takes aim at postoperative delirium in elders

As it works toward its goal of eliminating preventable in-hospital deaths, the Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) has identified a new challenge to target: postoperative delirium.

HLSC-Four steps to improve your hospital quality and safety rankings

Nearly two decades after the Institute of Medicine published its groundbreaking healthcare safety report To Err Is Human, medical errors remain a leading cause of death in this country.



Patient Handoffs: Stop Errors and Improve Compliance

Presented on: Thursday, June 27, 2019 | 1:00–2:30 p.m. Eastern

Register at: http://hcmarketplace.com/patient-handoffs-062719

Stop medical errors, patient harm, and angry surveyors by fixing your patient handoff process. Handoffs (AKA transitions) are when a patient is transferred from one caregiver to another—they’re also a weak point in the care process overall. Vital information can be forgotten or overlooked when making the handoff, and that means a high potential for harm, from wrong-patient scenarios to medication errors.

Join this 90-minute webinar and learn from international patient handoff expert Emily Patterson, PhD, as she teaches you how to adapt mnemonics, tools, and best practices to your facility.


Mac's Safety Space

Dry your eyes: Keeping ahead of the water(s)

May 30, 2019


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Contact Us

Brian Ward
Associate Editor
Hospital Safety Insider

35 Village Road
Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

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