Plus writing tips, conference advice and more from Writer's Digest.
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Writer's Digest
10 Tips for (Re)Writing a Novel
Jolina Petersheim Featured
Jolina Petersheim, author of The Divide and The Alliance, shares the secrets for completely editing and rewriting a novel-with ten specific tips to help you through the slog. Read More...
Steal These 31 Writing Prompts

Writer’s block? Get your creative juices flowing with 31 Writing Prompts to Inspire You Through the Month!

These prompts are easy, fast, and fun. They’ll help fire up your imagination and encourage you to dig deeper as you write. Plus, they’ll prime your brain to become an idea-generating machine. Whenever you sit down to write, you’ll jump right into the flow.

Get your FREE 31 writing prompts here!
5 Writing Rules Everyone Should Know
z Writing Rules 100
Wherever you fall on the Writing-Skillz Spectrum, it never hurts to review the basics. Below are some good rules of thumb to keep in mind as you put pen to paper. (Of course, in writing, as with just about anything, there are exceptions to every rule. But you gotta know the rules in order to break 'em, right?) Read More...
Find your way to self-publishing success in just 5 easy steps

5 Steps To Self-Publishing—your step-by-step guide that navigates the entire self-publishing process. Yours free. Only from BookBaby. Download your free guide.

A 30-year Writing Journey Finds Publishing Partner at Writer's Digest Conference
z Steve Villano 100
I was nervous when I arrived at the 2015 Writer's Digest Conference at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York. This professional gathering could clinch thirty years of work on one manuscript. Over decades, I nurtured and rewrote my account of working for former New York State Governor Mario M. Cuomo, while my oldest brother was associated with John Gotti. I had a unique story and was capable of telling it, but I was unskilled at bringing my work into the publishing market. Read More...
Unlock the potential of your manuscript! Helga Schier, PhD, published author and professional editor offers effective, personalized, constructive and comprehensive editorial services. Contact:,, 310.828.8421
How Taking a New Path in Writing Can Fire Up Your Muse
z Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke 100
"What about a magical blow dryer?" Liz admired her freshly blown out hair in the mirror at DryBar, clearly the inspiration for the idea. Lisa shrugged and took a long sip of her champagne. It was May 2014 and we were in New York, prepping for a meeting with our agent, Elisabeth Weed. Read More...

Meet New York Literary Agents and Hollywood producers, August 4-6, Portland.
Fiction, YA, genres, screen workshops with Alaya Dawn Johnson, Larry Brooks, Steve Barnes.

Literary Agent Boot Camp: Perfecting Submission Materials
In this brand new boot camp from Fuse Literary Agency, attendees will learn how to put together a short yet effective query letter, a one- to two-page book synopsis (fiction), and a nonfiction book proposal. They'll also learn some best practices for submitting their query, pages, and synopsis and/or proposal to agents. Each attendee will have the opportunity to interact one-on-one with an agent and receive a valuable critique of ten pages of their work in any combination: query letter, manuscript pages, synopsis, or proposal. Starts June 20. Sign up here ...
Writing Beginnings Resource Bundle
Your Weekly Writing Prompt
The End of the Bucket List: Write a story about a character who finds out that he or she is dying and has been knocking things off his/her bucket list and has finally reached the last item.

Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments here ....
Brian A. Klems
Follow @BrianKlems
Brian A. Klems is the senior online editor of Writer's Digest and author of the popular gift book Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters.
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