New social media scams: Can you tell friend from foe?

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CSO Salted Hash

Jun 23, 2017
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10 tough security interview questions, and how to answer them

Recently hired security leaders share what hiring execs want to know in interviews. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

New social media scams: Can you tell friend from foe?
Echo Show Ships on Wednesday, Buy 2 and Get a $100 Discount Right Now - Deal Alert
Cybersecurity job market to suffer severe workforce shortage
7 elements of a successful security awareness program
5 things you need to know about Stack Clash to secure your shared Linux environment

White Paper: CA Technologies

Beyond Mobile: Building a Successful Omnichannel Strategy

This eBook describes the opportunity and challenges in developing an omnichannel (web, mobile, wearables) strategy and how organizations can take advantage of analytics to improve user experience across channels. Read More

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New social media scams: Can you tell friend from foe?

Scams on social networks are nothing new, but they're constantly changing to take advantage of the latest apps, trends and news. As with all social engineering scams, the best defense is a skeptical user. Read More

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Echo Show Ships on Wednesday, Buy 2 and Get a $100 Discount Right Now - Deal Alert

Amazon's Echo Show finally starts shipping this Wednesday. If you buy two right now, you get a $100 discount. And if you select 2-day shipping, you'll actually get it on the day it's released. Read More

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Cybersecurity job market to suffer severe workforce shortage

10 facts, figures and statistics summarize the cybersecurity labor market. Read More

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7 elements of a successful security awareness program

Action items for CSOs looking to bolster their security awareness programs. Read More

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5 things you need to know about Stack Clash to secure your shared Linux environment

Qualys shows that attackers can locally exploit the privilege escalation vulnerability to gain root access over Linux, Solaris and BSD machines. This is bad news for Unix-based servers, and even more so for multi-tenant environments. Read More

White Paper: CA Technologies

Building A Better Digital Experience

Technology advancement has never felt so fast and relentless, and the instant impact it is having on business can feel suffocating for those trying to keep up with the latest developments. Embracing digital is the goal for which everyone is shooting and there is a real fear of missing the shift in the market. Read More

CSO Insider

1. Tested: How 4 deception tools deliver truer network security
2. What it takes to be a malware analyst
3. Target's data breach settlement sets a low bar for industry security standards
4. How Cisco combats fast-maturing cybercrime networks
5. 6 reasons chip hacks will become more popular

Editor's Picks

1. Top 5 cybersecurity facts, figures and statistics for 2017
2. CEO lies, commits fraud, and yes, the startup craters
3. Cybersecurity spend: ROI Is the wrong metric
4. Microsoft's emergency patch is no excuse to hang on to XP, Windows Server 2003
5. With new dynamic capabilities, will whitelisting finally catch on?
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