TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 29, 2016

Campbell Brown: The New Leader of the Propaganda Arm of School Privatization

Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The former anchor is helping the billionaire-backed charter lobby spread the gospel of education reform. READ MORE»

The Israel Lobby’s Totalitarian Agenda: Smash Free Speech and Criminalize Resistance

Max Blumenthal, AlterNet

With help from influential liberals, pro-Israel lobbyists push to define resisting Israeli apartheid as hate speech. READ MORE»

10 Ways the Media and Political Establishment Have Tried to Orchestrate the Democratic Primary

RoseAnn DeMoro, AlterNet

They wanted to declare it over before actual voters could vote. READ MORE»

The Truth About Donald Trump’s Angry White Men

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Members of the establishment press wonder how they got Trump so wrong. Here's one big way. READ MORE»

Hillary Clinton Thinks Breaking Up the Big Banks Won’t End Racism and Sexism—Is She Right?

By Amanda Marcotte, Moe Tkacik, In These Times

Clinton’s remark prompted a furious debate. Is there any truth to it—and why did she say it? Moe Tkacik and Amanda Marcotte debate.  READ MORE»

Let's Face It, Our Presidents Are Hucksters

By Eric Zuesse, AlterNet

Truthfulness isn’t ever their goal; winning and keeping power is. READ MORE»

What Is a Ketogenic Diet and Can It Really Boost Brain Health?

By Franziska Spritzler, Authority Nutrition

A ketogenic diet may help improve brain function, from boosting memory and combating Alzheimer’s to relieving migraines and improving symptoms of Parkinson’s. READ MORE»

The U.S. Military Is Back on the Battlefield in Iraq

By Patrick Cockburn, The Independent

The U.S. public may not have known that their soldiers were back in Iraq defending a fire base, but ISIS certainly had observed the arrival. READ MORE»

Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Angela Davis on Ferguson, Palestine & the Foundations of a Movement

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

In a Women’s History Month special, we speak with Angela Davis, activist, scholar and author of "Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement." READ MORE»

Bank Places Hold on Disabled Man’s Online Payment Thinking His Therapy Dog is a Terrorist Organization

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Bruce Francis, who has a form of multiple sclerosis, was trying to pay his dogwalker online only to have the bank put a hold on the funds. READ MORE»

How a 'Campus Free Expression Act' in North Carolina Actually Aims to Suppress Student Speech

By Alex Kotch, AlterNet

Conservative UNC leadership tries to stifle campus activism. Protests turned violent in clashes between students and police officers. READ MORE»

My Abusive Ex Used My Hair to Control Me, so I Shaved It All Off

By Daisy Douglas, xojane

For three years, I was shouted at and told I wasn't beautiful if I got as much as a trim. READ MORE»

Dying for Help: How American Jails Are Killing People Going Through Opioid Withdrawal

By Jeremy Galloway, The Influence

Withdrawal from opioids typically doesn't kill, but it can. Still, no one under the care of correctional institutions should be dying from it, but they are.  READ MORE»

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