John, a lot was going on 10 years ago…

  • Capt. Sullenberger (Sully) landed a plane on the Hudson...
  • Apple had just released the iPod touch...
  • Pixar’s UP was a #1 Blockbuster...
  • Facebook overtook Myspace...

And my book Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreamshad just become a New York Times bestseller! This week marks 10 YEARS since it happened, and the release of the new 10-Year Anniversary Edition.
TO CELEBRATE: If you buy the 10-Year Anniversary Edition this week, you'll get a FREE month of Infinite Possibilities Membership! Including:

  • 5 Mini-Manifesting Workshops with me...
  • Weekend Notes from the Universe...
  • MikeDooleyRadio 24/7...
  • Access to our Infinite Possibilities book club...
  • And lots more...

Happy everything, John -