COOK Newsletter
November 25, 2016

101 Best Thanksgiving Recipes

In The Daily Meal’s world, Thanksgiving is a big deal — we are a food and drink website, after all, and the fourth Thursday in November is our nation's biggest eating holiday.We’ve spent the last month sharing all the knowledge, tips, advice, and...Read More
Gratin Dauphinois

The 10 Best Thanksgiving Leftover Sandwiches

This Thanksgiving, it is important to be thankful for what really matters: friends, family, home… and leftovers.It is an undeniable fact of the universe that Thanksgiving leftovers are almost (if not more) enjoyable than the real meal itself....Read More

The 10 Best Thanksgiving Leftover Sandwiches

This Thanksgiving, it is important to be thankful for what really matters: friends, family, home… and leftovers.It is an undeniable fact of the universe that Thanksgiving leftovers are almost (if not more) enjoyable than the real meal itself....Read More
alexis murphy

Prep Your Cookies in Advance for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

The holiday season is one of the most wonderful times of the year, right? Right! But it can also be one of the most stressful for many! With so much on our to-do lists like cooking, shopping, cleaning and decorating, it can sometimes be difficult to...Read More

This Is the One Perfect Wine for Thanksgiving Dinner

When I host a dinner party and my guests wish to contribute wine, I politely but pointedly ask them to bring a specific wine.This is not a way to passive-aggressively suggest that they should spend more money than they would otherwise or force them...Read More
Best Wine for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Dinner in Just Five Hours? Here's How

Let get real here: Thanksgiving is just dinner. We can take it to the extreme with a 20-pound turkey, 10 different sides, and hours of planning, shopping, and cooking… or it could just be a nice, festive meal.If Thanksgiving cooking falls on your...Read More
Cranberry Sauce
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