CSO Daily

July 26, 2019

Image: 11 top DEF CON and Black Hat talks of all time

11 top DEF CON and Black Hat talks of all time

Hacker summer camp in Vegas is almost upon us again. Here are some of the best talks of all time. Will this year's talks measure up to these legends? Read more ▶

Your Must-Read Stories


The biggest data breach fines, penalties and settlements so far


Why getting election security right for 2020 matters


How to set up Microsoft Azure AD Identity Protection to spot risky users


15 signs you've been hacked -- and how to fight back


Equifax’s data breach disaster: Will it change executive attitudes toward security?


New CISO appointments, July 2019

Viewpoint: Okta

Driving Innovation with Technology: Secrets for Success

The adage “every company is a technology company” isn’t new—but for many CIOs, navigating the changes associated with this new business reality are downright challenging. Learn what advice Diya Jolly, Chief Product Officer at Okta, has for senior IT leaders. Read more ▶

Image: The biggest data breach fines, penalties and settlements so far

The biggest data breach fines, penalties and settlements so far

Hacks and data thefts, enabled by weak security, cover-ups or avoidable mistakes have cost these companies a total of nearly $1.23 billion and counting. Read more ▶

Image: There’s finally a communication app tailormade for on-the-go teams. Try it free.


There’s finally a communication app tailormade for on-the-go teams. Try it free.

This intuitive collaboration platform is made for teams that move. Read more ▶

Image: Why getting election security right for 2020 matters

Why getting election security right for 2020 matters

The U.S. is moving at glacial speed to secure election systems against possible interference by foreign adversaries. We're not even close to ready, and that could call contests into question. Read more ▶

Image: How to set up Microsoft Azure AD Identity Protection to spot risky users

How to set up Microsoft Azure AD Identity Protection to spot risky users

Whichever license of Azure Active Directory you own, you have options to set up alerts and automate actions to risky user behavior. Read more ▶

Image: 15 signs you've been hacked -- and how to fight back

15 signs you've been hacked -- and how to fight back

Redirected internet searches, unexpected installs, rogue mouse pointers: Here's what to do when you've been hacked. Read more ▶

Image: Equifax’s data breach disaster: Will it change executive attitudes toward security?

Equifax’s data breach disaster: Will it change executive attitudes toward security?

Equifax's 2017 breach will cost it billions in fines, customer restitution and mandated and voluntary security improvements. All organizations that profit from consumer data should take notice. Read more ▶

Image: New CISO appointments, July 2019

New CISO appointments, July 2019

Find up-to-date news of CSO, CISO and other senior security executive appointments. Read more ▶

White Paper: Nehemiah Security

Cyber as a Business Enabler: Operationalizing Cyber Risk Analytics

Cyber and the business have not always seen eye-to-eye. Cyber operators have been operating in survival mode for some time. Now, business executives are demanding more alignment and proactive engagement with the organization. Read more ▶

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