July 23, 2016

11 Ultimate Grilled Dinner Party Desserts

As soon as the steaks and corn on the cob are cooked, we typically go to turn off our grill, with no further need for it that evening. [related] But what if next time you were cooking dinner on the grill for you and friends, you left it on, wiped it...Read More
Grilled Peaches

24 Best College Towns in America for Food

When high school students start applying to college, their future degree and quality of education should come first and foremost. Of course, it’s also important to remember that not all 24 hours of every day will be spent in a classroom or library....Read More

5 Famous Babies Named After Food

It seems we can tell who the really dedicated, food-loving, ingredient-obsessive celebrities are by looking at the names they have given their children. [related]Those who are truly food-focused (we’re looking at you, Gwyneth Paltrow) took their...Read More
Jamie and Jools Oliver

How to Pickle Anything – Quickly!

Pickling is a preserving technique meant to prolong the life of a harvest’s bounty. Pickles are traditionally made by soaking ingredients in brine made of vinegar, water, herbs, and spices for an extended length of time. For example, it takes at...Read More

10 Destinations You Can't Travel To — Because They Exist Only in Song

It’s a scientific fact that almost everything is better in song form. Singing about even the most insignificant aspects of life can make for good listening, and music can take already enjoyable things and improve them further. However, there are no...Read More
10 Destinations You Can't Travel To — Because They Exist Only in Song

No-Cook Dinner Party Dishes for Those Sweltering Summer Evenings

When it’s too hot to cook, throwing a dinner party is totally unappealing: If you’re lucky enough to have a grill, you’ll end up sweating over it for several hours; if you don’t have a grill, you’ll need to turn on the oven and push the temperature...Read More

Refining the Art of Texas Winemaking

Lubbock's Llano Estacado Winery is the second largest winery in Texas, selling 165,000 cases per year. It is also one of the oldest, founded in 1976 by Texas Tech chemistry professors Clinton "Doc" McPherson and Robert (Bob) Reed to market the...Read More

8 Foods That Will Help Keep You Looking Young

The desire to stay young— or at least look young— forever is nothing new. Beginning as early as the fifth century, the restorative powers of the Fountain of Youth have been mythicized. Although no such thing exists, it hasn’t stopped humanity from...Read More

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