Help us raise $12,500 by March 31.

Free Press
Double Your Impact

Friend — In the year since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, more than 500,000 people have died here. And there are millions of people who remain cut off from lifesaving information because of the lack of affordable internet services. Right-wing conspiracy theories and lies continue to flood the airwaves, and social-media platforms are still failing to stop their spread online.

It could not be more clear: The digital divide and disinformation are STILL endangering people’s lives.

Make your first-ever donation today while every donation up to $12,500 will be DOUBLED, becoming $25,000 to help us fight disinformation and end the digital divide. Donate now.

Vaccinations continue to make progress and show us a path out of the pandemic. But with multiple virus variants spreading across the country, and low-income and Black and Brown communities still among the most at risk, it is critical that we keep the pressure on the tech platforms to stop the spread of disinformation about COVID.

We have to reach our $12,500 goal by March 31 — please donate today and your donation will go TWICE as far to help us:

  • Demand an end to the digital divide once and for all, building on our success working with Congress to include broadband-affordability provisions in December's COVID-19 relief bill.
  • Fight COVID-19 disinformation by increasing public pressure on tech platforms like Facebook and YouTube and working with Congress and regulatory agencies to hold these companies accountable.
  • Push to reclassify broadband now so that everyone can access information online, students are able to learn in remote school and the FCC can stop greedy internet service providers looking to price gouge.

One year ago today at a press briefing, Donald Trump stood at the podium and told us the pandemic was “very much under control” — and compared COVID-19 to the flu.

Now we are finally moving in the right direction but we have a long way to go for everyone to be able to access the truthful, lifesaving information we need and deserve. In every news report about COVID-19 the influence of disinformation remains clear — from Texas fully reopening and ditching its mask mandate to attendees at the right-wing CPAC conference jeering at a request to mask up.

With more than 500,000 lives and close to 9 million jobs already lost, we can’t wait any longer for the government to take strong action. Donate now to help us raise $12,500 by March 31 — and your gift will be DOUBLED.

Thank you for everything you do for our movement for media justice, racial justice and human rights.

In solidarity,

Candace Clement
Senior Campaign Director
Free Press

P.S. When we see CPAC attendees laughing at a request to wear masks, we see the impact of COVID-19 disinformation. When we learn of low-income children struggling to access online classes because their families can’t afford internet connections, we see the toll of the digital divide. Make your first-ever gift now while it will be DOUBLED in support of our fight against disinformation and for access to essential information for all.

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