Unlock My 80% Success Trading System
Roger here,

For those of you that could not make my in-person event… I have something special for you!

There will be a broadcast that exposes my #1 Weekly Turnaround Stock & 2-Step Training Workshop where I will outline the perfect angle to target this stock heading into next week. 

This system utilizes a specific market phenomenon that supersedes economic cycles, headline noise, and boasts an 80% success rate on average over 100 trade alerts!

Naturally, we cannot promise future returns or against losses but right now we’re on a hot streak, but if you are interested…

Click here at 12PM ET to join the broadcast.

Start marking these weekly turnarounds work for you!

All the best, 
From 11/28/22 to 1/8/24 on closed trade signals, the average win rate is 80.00%, and the average return per position (winners and losers) is 11.55% and a 38.27% average winner with an average hold time of 10 days on the options.