July 12, 2016

13 Foods You Probably Shouldn't Eat When Traveling

Tasting and trying different local foods is a huge part of traveling, and, in our humble opinion, probably the best part of almost any vacation. However, travelers shouldn’t get so excited that they blindly eat and drink everything in sight, as...Read More
13 Foods You Probably Shouldn't Eat When Traveling

The Taste of Victory: What They Eat in Portugal That Makes Them the Best Soccer Players

When asked about the keys to their physical prowess, most athletes will cite practice, exercise, and diet as essential to success. Sure, practice is probably the most important, and their jobs basically involve getting paid to do both of the first...Read More

Maine’s 20 Best Lobster Rolls

There’s something about eating a lobster roll that almost feels wrong. As lobster is one of the most gourmet and expensive food items out there, piling it up on bread and eating it with your hands almost feels like cheating — the right way to eat a...Read More

22 Ways to Transform Humble Fried Eggs into a Decadent Dinner

There’s one simple way of transforming every bowl of leftovers you’ve ever eaten late on a weekday evening into a decadent dinner: By serving it with a fried egg on top. A fried egg may seem like a humble ingredient, incapable of adding such an...Read More
Fried Egg

7 Ridiculously Extravagant Gender-Reveal Cakes

Gender-reveal parties are a fairly new phenomenon, which have already got out of hand. While we understand that finding out the sex of your child at the 20-week ultrasound scan is a huge moment for parents-to-be, we’re not sure the celebrations that...Read More
Gender-Reveal Cake

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Fried Chicken

Fried chicken, when cooked properly, is one of the most delicious foods on earth. We tracked down ten interesting facts about this staple’s origins and history, as well as a few handy tips on how to make the perfect batch in your very own kitchen.10...Read More
Fried Chicken

World’s First 3D Printing Restaurant Is Coming to London

There’s 3D printed gummy candy and machines that 3D print pancake art, and now a 3D printing restaurant is making its way around the world.Food Ink, the world’s first 3D printing restaurant, will make its world premiere in London July 25–27. The...Read More
3D Printing

A GMO Labeling Bill Finally Just Passed in the Senate: Here’s What That Means For Americans

After more than a year of Congressional debates and setbacks, the Senate has finally passed a bill that would require the labeling of GMOs in packaged foods (though it would not cover raw foods like produce). The bill passed 63-30 immediately after...Read More
Soon food companies will have to tell you exactly how they modified the genes in your frozen vegetables.

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