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November 13, 2016

13 Reasons Halloween Is Better Than Christmas

Halloween is now the second highest grossing holiday in America, following closely behind Christmas. This means that its status as a popular, widely celebrated day is well and truly set, and there’s no way of denying its crazy popularity. However,...Read More
Christmas is Better than Halloween

Here’s How to Turn Caramel Apples Into a Boozy Treat

Caramel apples have always played a hugely important role in our lives at this time of year. Those fresh, sweet, crunchy apples are at their best right now, and when coated in sweet caramel, scattered with our favorite toppings (which change...Read More

The Best-Ever DIY Halloween Candies

Halloween is a candy-packed holiday. On Halloween itself, an average American will consume approximately 7,000 calories in candy alone. It’s therefore no surprise that this is the time of year where the most candy is sold in the country, with...Read More
Chocolate Coated Bars

Dessert Nachos Are Our New Favorite Thing

We all love nachos, and we all love dessert. So it’s perhaps no surprise that when we discovered dessert nachos, it was love at first sight. A pile of crispy, cheese-covered, totally indulgent nachos is one of the best-ever ways to start a meal, and...Read More
Dessert Nachos

10 Delightfully Creepy, Gruesome Halloween Party Foods

Besides the crazy costumes, horror movies, clever methods for spooking trick-or-treaters, and terrifying decorations, don’t miss out on the chance to also use the party food to scare all your friends and family this Halloween. We firmly believe that...Read More
Halloween Party Foods

If You Haven’t Had Enough Pumpkin Yet, Here’s How to Have It for Breakfast Too

Pumpkin season is in full swing, and we honestly can’t stop ourselves from constantly stocking up on these beautiful vegetables, no matter whether we need more of them in our kitchen or not. Therefore, throughout October and November, pumpkin is a...Read More
Pumpkin Oatmeal

Make Your Friends Salivate With These Food-Themed Halloween Costumes

Deciding what Halloween costume to wear is a challenge every single year. Once we’ve decided what party we’ll be going to and found out whether there is a theme, settling upon what to wear is the most important item on our agenda over the next few...Read More
Halloween Costumes

You Should Swap Your Frappuccino for a Turmeric Latte Right Now

Turmeric lattes are one of this year’s top health trends. If you haven’t already joined this clean-drinking obsession, you need to make sure you do ASAP. Whatever your caffeinated morning vice is, exchanging it for a fresh, vegan turmeric latte will...Read More
Turmeric Latte
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