As many of you already know, I send out an email to my clients every Sunday. It’s full of lessons that I’ve learned from other high-achievers, and lessons of my own on how to set goals and level up in every area of life.
Recently, a client shared how much he loves these weekly emails with me, and one of his biggest takeaways really struck me:
“I treat myself as my favorite client,” Brent said. “I make time to invest in myself. And I take it slow.”
I’ll tell you why this resonates. So many of my clients come to me complaining about how little time they have in their lives for serious self-improvement.
They work 60, 70, 80 hours a week … they shoehorn in time with family whenever possible … and they sleep less so they can get dive back into the fray as quickly as possible.
“When do I possibly have time for deep work, goal-setting, or focus exercises?” they ask.
It’s not about time. It’s about priorities.
When it comes to your business, the client always comes first, right? And because you’re passionate about what you do and want nothing less than success, you dive head-first into work every day of every week.
But there’s only so much you can do in your business if you’re exhausted, stretched too thin, and horrendously overworked. Not only are you tapped out of energy, but you lose your passion and creativity. And where do you think your business goes then? Down.
Brent is absolutely right. You need to start treating yourself like your #1 client.
For him, that means soaking in my weekly accountability and teaching emails for hours. He prints each of them out, marks them up, and highlights specific quotes that he wants to weave into his daily mindfulness.
This intentionality didn’t come from nowhere. After years working his butt off, Brent noticed something about other agency owners in his industry—what he calls the “Lack of Time/Growth Loop.”