TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 24, 2017

The 15 Heartless Proposals in Trump's Budget

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Budget Director Mick Mulvaney’s remarks show they aren’t operating in the real world. Not even close. READ MORE»

Now the Full Story of the Persecution of Julian Assange Can Be Told

By John Pilger, AlterNet

Washington’s bid to get Assange is “unprecedented in scale and nature." READ MORE»

Jared Kushner: White House Senior Adviser, Slumlord

By Taylor Link, Salon

A new report depicts Jared Kushner as a ruthless landlord who sues his low-income tenants until their deaths. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: Trump’s Budget Is Cruel and Deviant

By Robert Reich,

We are a better nation than this. READ MORE»

Could a 'Boycott Trump' Movement Change His Policies?

By Mattea Kramer, TomDispatch

Activists aim to "make hate unprofitable." READ MORE»

Vatican Bigwig Makes the Astounding Prediction That the Pope Will Flip Trump on Climate Change

By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

Pope Francis called climate change "a problem which can no longer be left to a future generation." READ MORE»

How the 'Alt-Right' Is Weaponizing Irony to Spread Fascism

By Jack Wilson, The Guardian

Experts say the "alt-right" has stormed mainstream consciousness by using "humor" and ambiguity as tactics to wrong-foot their opponents. READ MORE»

Now a Second Video Shows U.S.-Funded White Helmets Assisting Public Executions in Rebel-Held Syria

By Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal, AlterNet

The shocking regime change scandal mainstream media refuses to touch. READ MORE»

Trump Is Hollowing out Our Democracy, Leaving Us Vulnerable to a True Authoritarian

By David Klion, AlterNet

History tells us a disastrous presidency can make a strongman seem like a reasonable alternative. READ MORE»

The Alt-Right Is Furious at Trump for His Foreign Trip

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Bannon's waning influence on President Trump's foreign policy has not gone unnoticed. READ MORE»

Why Trump Will Never Recover from His Russia Scandal

By Douglas A. Blackmon,

The Trump-Russia scandal has metastasized quickly and destructively. READ MORE»

What an Indian Reservation Can Teach Us About Trauma

By James S. Gordon, AlterNet

The view from Pine Ridge. READ MORE»

The Last Person You’d Expect to Die in Childbirth

By Nina Martin, Renee Montagne, ProPublica

The death of Lauren Bloomstein, a neonatal nurse, in the hospital where she worked illustrates a profound disparity: The health care system focuses on babies but often ignores their mothers.  READ MORE»

The Inhumanity of the American Bail System

By Kamil Ahsan, The American Prospect

For Chicago's poor, who can't afford attorneys, bail hearings often don't last longer than a few seconds—and may keep them in jail for want of a few hundred dollars. READ MORE»

The Best Sex Advice I Never Got

By Jennifer Kaplan, Salon

Growing up in a sex therapist's house didn't make me a goddess in bed, and neither did the internet. READ MORE»

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