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March 10, 2016

15 Things You Didn't Know About Krispy Kreme

As far as chains go, Krispy Kreme is just about impossible to dislike. Forged largely on the back of a single item — the legendary Original Glazed Doughnut — the chain has managed to retain its cult-like following even though it has more than 1,000...Read More
Krispy Kreme

Check Out These Weirdly Accurate Chocolate ‘CumberBunnies’ That Look Like Benedict Cumberbatch

We’ve found the chocolate treat you never knew you needed for your Easter basket: Chocolate Benedict “Cumberbunnies,” aka chocolate bunnies that look like the famously pale and dashing Benedict Cumbrebatch.[related]The team at Chocolatician has...Read More

Do You Live in One of America's Most Obese Cities?

Obesity is a growing problem in America (no pun intended), and numerous times each year, studies are released detailing this struggle. About 30.8 percent of the U.S. population is defined as obese, including almost 35 percent of adults, according to...Read More
Do You Live in One of America's Most Obese Cities?

Why Does Eating Tums Cure Heartburn?

If you’ve ever come down with a really bad case of heartburn, you know how uncomfortable it can be. Thankfully, there are plenty of over the counter heartburn medications on the market that can put an end to the distress, seemingly by magic. Tums is...Read More

Reviled Ex-Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle Reportedly Gained 30 Pounds in Prison

Subway: Eat Fist.[related]Subway spokesman-turned-convicted sex offender Jared Fogle has allegedly been suffering from repeated physical and mental harassment in prison, and has earned the nickname Chomo (short for child molester). As a result of...Read More
A prison insider claims that Fogle is depressed and has been seeking solace in junk food.

Tech Is Killing Off America's Independent Pizzerias, Says Industry Report

According to a new study conducted by restaurant industry consultant Aaron Allen & Associates, independent pizzerias have lost 21 percent of their market share to pizza chains (companies with 10 or more locations). In the past decade, about 7,...Read More

21 Most Common Table Etiquette Mistakes

How many times have you taken your seat at a formal dinner table, dived straight into that tempting bread roll, and two minutes later realized that that bread actually wasn’t yours? Have you ever spent the first several minutes of a dinner party...Read More
Eating with Hands

Rescue Dogs Offered New Life as Truffle Hunters… and They Only Require Hugs as Payment

Truffles are among the rarest and most expensive foods on earth—Italian white truffles sold for an average of $1,200 a pound last fall—and they lie buried deep in the ground. To find them, French truffle-hunters used to use pigs, though more...Read More
You may think that only pigs can sniff out truffles, but these pups are doing just swine.

10 Breakfast Cereals That Have as Much Sugar as Candy

For decades, we’ve been told that cereal, be it sugar-free or sugar-coated, is a part of a “complete balanced breakfast.” But take a second and think about this: Why would something that has nearly the same amount of sugar as a candy bar be...Read More
Crunch Berries

The Cheesecake Factory Is Opening Its First Location in New York City

The Cheesecake Factory: Land of the voluminous chopped salad and over-the-top desserts, commonly found inside suburban malls, is finally coming to New York City.[related]The big cheesecake comes to The Big Apple later this year, according to The...Read More
If you can believe it, the overwhelming menu of hundreds of items have never been seen in the five boroughs.
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