Good morning, Marketer, may all your cider be well spiced!

Do you have trouble writing for work? You’re not alone. Writing comes easily to very few people. Yet many marketing jobs require a lot of writing. Fortunately, technology is here to help with AI-powered writing tools. Anita Brearton’s article today looks at the 16 most popular ones and tells you how to make the best use of them

We’ve also got a story about why some advertisers continue to use Twitter, despite all the chaos. 

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

16 AI-powered writing tools and how to make best use of them

We looked at the 16 most popular AI-powered writing tools. Here's what you need to know about using them to create content.

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Many advertisers still using Twitter despite Musk’s chaos

Smaller advertisers have stuck with Twitter because its audience and engagement numbers are still good.

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G2 launches Market Intelligence dashboard

G2 is providing a new way to consume and manage real-time data from its 1.9 million software reviews.

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6 link-building myths and truths

Avoid these common link-building mistakes to be successful in the long-term.

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Webinar Today: 5 Proven Ways to Increase Engagement in 2023

Register for our webinar today and learn how you can differentiate your brand online, prepare for what’s next in e-commerce, and ways your brand can deliver more engaging experiences using AI and more…

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Why we care about social media marketing: A guide for brands

Learn how to be successful with social media marketing – one of the most important channels across the digital landscape.

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Is your digital strategy optimized for Gen Z young adults?

They're more diverse and they expect a lot more from brands.

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Who likes ads? TikTok users, that's who

TikTok users are highly engaged with the platform and they are overwhelmingly receptive to advertising. This report explores how users interact with TikTok and what this means for brands who want to reach them.

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3 ways Panasonic embraces a customer-centric approach using technology

Panasonic’s Brian Rowley tells us how marketers and other stakeholders can put the customer first with digital experiences.

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Explore the fall season of MarTech

More than 60 free sessions showcasing tools, technologies, and solutions — plus data-rich case studies from world-class brands like Coca-Cola and Atlassian… the complete fall edition of MarTech is here!

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