Our best shot at winning back Net Neutrality
Free Press Action
Help fight the cable lobby in Congress and save the internet: Donate today

Friend, the pressure you’re putting on Congress is working.

The Save The Internet Act — which would restore real Net Neutrality — has 165 cosponsors and climbing. Which is good news since House leaders have signaled that they want to move this legislation fast.1

But if we can’t get this thing through the House, we’ll lose our best shot at winning back Net Neutrality in Congress this year.

Friend, could you kick in $5 to help fund our fight?

We need your help: We’re up against an industry with massive financial power. Comcast alone made $94 billion in revenue last year — enough to cover our entire annual budget every 30 minutes.2 These companies are counting on their well-financed lobbying machine to keep members of Congress on the wrong side of this issue.

We need your support to win this — but time is running out.

Help fight the cable lobby in Congress and save the internet: Donate today.

Thanks for all that you do—

Candace, Carrie, Dutch, Heather, Amy and the rest of the Free Press Action team

1. “Democrats Hit the Gas on Net Neutrality Bill,” CNET, March 17, 2019: https://act.freepress.net/go/30768?t=7&akid=12407%2E10296224%2Er3xSpy

2. “Comcast Corporation Form 10-K Annual Report,” filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Jan. 23, 2019: https://act.freepress.net/go/30762?t=9&akid=12407%2E10296224%2Er3xSpy

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