Dear Reader,

"These methods are not approved by the FDA."

I'd flown 2,900 miles…

Paid $19,000…

All in order to access an advanced $563 million private research facility.

I wasn't going to say no.

"OK," I said.

So, I stepped inside.

And what I discovered next shocked me…

Did I receive some startling test results?

Yes. Absolutely…

But what I found more interesting is one special piece of equipment this research facility makes use of…

Which I discovered is right at the start of a massive, new 5,900% technological boom.

This has major repercussions if you have any money invested.

I recently agreed to sit down with Chris Hurt and reveal everything I discovered in a special Tech Minute interview.

You can watch it here for free.


Jeff Brown

Editor, The Near Future Report

P.S. As you'll see in my interview, I believe there will be a major change ahead for the stock market… (which will be bad for some stocks but great for others). The time-sensitive opportunity I uncovered, however, could be the closest thing to buying Amazon back when it was $50. Check it out.

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