Have you tried the new Violet Drink? Get your complete guide to ordering vegan at Starbucks. Then learn how to avoid bugs in your makeup, and more.
Have you tried the new Violet Drink? Get your complete guide to ordering vegan at Starbucks. Then learn how to avoid bugs in your makeup, and more.
PETA Living E-News
Violet Drink

Starbucks Introduces New Vegan Violet Drink and Matcha Lemonade

Try the popular new drinks, learn how to veganize your Starbucks favorites, and see which snacks and drinks are already vegan.
The Vegan Starbucks Guide

Muscular Dystrophy Video

Muscular Dystrophy Patient's Video Against Tests on Animals Is Amazing

A woman explains why experimenters must stop wasting time and hurting animals and start finding a cure.
Watch the Powerful Video


Makeup Enthusiasts: Stop Smearing Dead Bugs on Your Face

There is a "secret" ingredient made from smashed bugs, and it could be lurking in one (or more) of your makeup products. Here's how to avoid it.
What to Look Out For

Matthew Kenney

Meet the Man Changing the Future of Food With Science

From culinary academies to plant-based restaurants, Matthew Kenney is leading the vegan food revolution.
Kenney's Vegan Ceviche Recipe

Sexiest Vegan Next Door 2017

VOTE: The 'Sexiest Vegan Next Door' Contest 2017 Finalists

Browse the photos and bios and then help us decide who should be named this year's Sexiest Vegan Next Door.
Vote by June 21

Monkey Rodeos

Dogs and Monkeys Strapped Together in Cruel, Dangerous Rodeo

These dangerous events are inhumane and could easily result in injuries to the monkeys.
Take Action Today


Reasons Why You Should Never Buy Feather Accessories

If you knew where that feather boa came from, you wouldn't think that it's so glamorous.
Go Feather Free