We are the stories we tell ourselves. 

Shekhar Kapur

If everything were perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow.


One Spot -- Aug 17 – 20 CEO Boot Camp Estes Park, CO

Want three fun-filled days to work “on” the business with 7 other CEOs? Our August 17 – 20 CEO Boot Camp -- Tuesday evening through Friday lunch -- sold out for months, has one spot that just opened up. Join me (Verne Harnish) for a deep dive into your business. We also have 4 spots left for our just announced Sept 28 – Oct 1, Lake Tahoe, CA boot camp.

Price/Package Differently (Scaling Up Case Study)
Dan Fantasia’s Wakefield, MA sales recruitment firm Treeline was at risk of “growing broke.” With the help of Herb Cogliano, Scaling Up coach, Dan created a new “do it with you” offering where clients can get 10 “ready to interview” sales candidates for a flat fee – a new pricing model for the industry. Best to be different in your industry, including how you price.

Half the Staff; 4x the Profit (Scaling Up Case Study continued)
Herb also guided Dan in using the various Scaling Up tools/techniques over the past 24 months to get more focused on core customers; upgrade his team to A-players; use the Power of One tool to significantly improve cash flow and profit; and go nationwide driven by a new BHAG. The results? Less than half the staff and 4x the profitability. This Scaleups.com story provides the details.

Flexibility Now Ranks Second Only to Compensation

Based on the recent Future Forum Pulse, 93% of knowledge workers want schedule flexibility. Embrace flexible working models by creating company-level principles and guardrails to add structure to hybrid, the “messy middle” of work. But note, compensation is #1 – which is up considerably from what it used to be – the job market has heated up.


Scaling Up Compensation Top HR Books

After its announcement last week, Scaling Up Compensation has rocketed to one of the top books in HR on Amazon.Turn your largest expense into a strategic advantage with 5 design principles brought alive by multiple examples from small, medium, and large firms. Getting compensation right, like price, can scale the bottom line by hundreds of percent and raise employee engagement scores which have languished for decades. “Get it right, then out of sight” is the goal of your comp plan.

It Takes a Village to Scale – Attract/Retain via Corp U
To attract, grow & retain talent, a corporate university is a must-have for your company to drive a culture of learning. Our ScaleUpU All Access pass can be your internal corporate university to simplify and streamline growth. You and your will have a program that goes beyond traditional education to give you current, real-world practical applications that are working today.  With the ScaleUpU All Access Program, we help you do that.  Email
alex@growthinstitute.com for more information!

Weekend Countdown – 1-Minute of Wisdom
Enjoy this kickoff to your weekend – some bits of wisdom from a fresh set of wise teachers, updated each weekend.

Looking to Exit Next 6-12 Months?

Avoid these deceptive practices professionals use to cheat you out of millions. It’s a well-known formula I’ve seen hundreds of business owners fall victim to over the years. Email me for an article on how to avoid these pitfalls – and how to maximize one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your business life – verne@scalingup.com

*As an Amazon Associate, I may earn revenue from qualified purchases made through this link.

Order a box of 20 Scaling Up books
Want to save 50% over the price on Amazon? Go to this link.

ScalingUp Scoreboard
Integrated with Salesforce, Slack, and Zapier (allowing it to connect with 1000s of systems), use Scoreboard to provide your team (working remotely even more important!) a real time visual dashboard of cascading priorities and metrics. Get a personalized tour of Scaling Up Scoreboard to see how you can use it to better implement Scaling Up in your business.

Growth Institute Online Executive Education:
Master of Business Dynamics
Scaling Up Master Business Course
Exponential Organizations Master Business Course
Topgrading Master Business Course

We’re still in business coaching and training firms:

Lowell, Michigan - Jul 22, 2021
Salisbury, England - July 6, 2021
Hong Kong, China, India, Middle East - July 14 OR 15 (Virtual)
California - July 19 & 20, 2021 - 2 Day Master Class (Virtual)
Dallas, TX - Aug 12, 2021
Auckland, NZ - Aug 12, 2021 (In-Person)
Sydney, Australia - Aug 25, 2021
Phoenix, AZ - Aug 26, 2021 (In-Person)
Melbourne, VIC, AUS - Sep 7, 2021 (Virtual)
Amsterdam, NL  -  Sep 9, 2021 (In-Person)
Brisbane, Australia - Sep 22, 2021 (In-Person)
Lowell, Michigan - Sep 22, 2021
Lancaster, PA - Oct 26, 2021
Sydney, Australia - Oct 27, 2021
Lowell, Michigan - Nov 4, 2021
Salisbury, England - Nov 18, 2021
Melbourne, VIC, AUS - Nov 23, 2021 (Virtual)

Better Book Club â€“
What's your team reading? Increase your books read per team member. Easy, Proven, and in the Cloud at http://www.BetterBookClub.com.

Write Your Own Book
Whether you want to make it to the bestseller lists or just sell a lot more of your goods or services, with a profound competitive edge over the competition, Book The Business: How to Make BIG Money With Your Book Without Selling a Single Copy is for you! Request your free copy of this ground-breaking book at advantagefamily.com/scalingup.

Ready to scale but looking for guidance?
Work with a Coach! Scaling a company is hard, but you don’t have to go it alone. Elevate your business with the only end-to-end solution for entrepreneurs that are ready to move past the plateau and get exponential results. Whether you’re in growth mode, planning strategy, raising capital, or navigating a complex economic landscape, Scaling Up's globally recognized coaches leverage effective tools and an evidence-based methodology to empower you to achieve results. Over 70,000 businesses have done it!

Learn more about what it’s like to work with a Scaling Up Certified Coach™ by scheduling a complimentary, personal follow-up. CLICK HERE! Or check out our FAQ’s. Additional questions can be sent to coaching@scalingup.com

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Read Verne's Insights on Kindle http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003SX13YI 

Follow Verne on Instagram: @scalingup2.0

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