John, I’m so excited… 

20,000 adventurous souls have RSVP’d for my FREE Channeled Workshop: The Great Awakening happening today @ 3 pm ET. 💓
This will be a one-time event of EPIC IMPORTANCE! Joining me will be 6 channels who have been my personal teachers over the past few years: 

  1. Lyssa Royal Holt (Channels: Sasha
  2. Salvatore Rachele (Channels: The Founders
  3. Sara Landon (Channels: The Council
  4. Matt Kahn (Channels: Healing Love
  5. Daniel Scranton (Channels: The 9D Arcturian Council
  6. Jessie Herman (Channels: Vagrein)   

The question before us is simple: To continue living as “merely human” or to live supernaturally To see ourselves as separate from everyone or to recognize our unity? To be driven by fear or inspired by love? We can literally see the camps set up around the world where others have made their choices. Every day in the news we see the biblical metaphor of people being ideologically separated like wheat from the chaff through their own choices. Those prepared to do the inner work necessary for illumination will gain mastery over the physical world.

Prepare to be astounded!
P.S. Try to watch live if possible – you will feel the energy, plus I’ll be giving away lots of FREE SWAG to live audience members. If you’re not able to watch live, register anyway and I'll send you the recording. 
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