With less than 20 days to the presidential elections, it’s of the utmost importance to ensure that independent, fact-driven journalism is heavily supported.
Only you can do something to help preserve that independence. You can make a donation to The Fund for The New Republic to support our rigorous, uncompromising work in print and online. You’ll be fortifying TNR and coverage such as “The Fight for America’s Battleground States,” our in-depth series looking at the most critical contests of the 2020 election.
Here are just a few articles in the series:
The Great GOP Dystopian Experiment Is Working Exactly as Planned in Florida
How a Radical Black Tradition Could Buoy Biden in Michigan
How Wisconsin Became a Bastion of White Supremacy
Trumpism Ate Martha McSally’s Brain 
And, watch our panel on the heated politics of Wisconsin on our YouTube channel
With your donation, you will help provide the resources we need to continue producing these hard-hitting investigative features and publish the best writers in American independent journalism.
The moment to give is NOW. With a donation of $100 or more you'll receive a TNR tote bag in appreciation of your support!

Kerrie Gillis, publisher
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