Good morning, Marketer, and what’s the latest on CDPs?

That’s a topic I’ll be following with interest in 2023. It seems to me the CDP space will continue to undergo significant change as the platforms shift from being standalone solutions that ingest customer data and make it actionable to being:

  • Components within much broader martech offerings.
  • Optional add-ons available with DX platforms.
  • Tools for extracting (and yes, making actionable) data from warehouses or lakes.

And so on.

I should say shift “for the most part,” because some of those big, enterprise CDPs are surely in the game for the long-term as independent, standalone offerings. For a new overview of the CDP space, download our free report, “Customer Data Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide.”

Kim Davis,
Editorial Director

20 questions to ask customer data platform vendors during the demo

You want to learn how easy a platform is to use and whether the vendor seems to understand your business and your marketing needs.

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The dangers of saying ‘no’ in martech

Sometimes “let’s test that” is an even better answer than “yes,” all while avoiding the dangers of saying “no.”

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The latest jobs in martech

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Remarkable SEO results, without the funnel…

The concept of the funnel is so fundamental to digital marketing, it’s hard to imagine a world where it doesn’t serve as the go-to metaphor for lead generation and capture. There’s only one problem: it doesn’t fit with the way real humans engage with information on today’s internet! Join us for our upcoming webinar where we take a look at how to shift your thinking around your organic content strategy.

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How ‘the curse of knowledge’ may be hurting your business and what to do about it

It’s easy to assume that everyone else knows what you know. Here are some examples of where this bias can crop up and how to deal with it.

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Where should a CDP fit in your martech stack?

Here are three approaches to consider when implementing a CDP based on how it integrates with your customer data ecosystem.

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Drive results with unforgettable email marketing in 2023

Enabling marketers to rapidly scale and meet the demands of the modern consumer by delivering personalized experiences that add value to your customer relationships.

Download the report here!

How Coca-Cola activated their enterprise CDP

Over the last two years, the Coca-Cola Company has been implementing an Adobe CDP and activating other capabilities around it to connect with 2 billion customers worldwide.

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Dozens of martech solutions are just a click away

Join us for free at MarTech, online March 28-29, to discover technologies, tools, and solutions that can help you connect with your customer and power organizational success. Registration is free!

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