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How's it going?
Struggling to get some shut-eye?
Cuddle up to today's e-mail — and sleep on it.
Science says you need your beauty sleep.
Sick and tired — and overweight, too?!
It's not just your mood that suffers when you don't get enough sleep. Research says:
  • If you're one of the nearly 30% of Americans who get 6 hours of shut-eye or less on an average weeknight, you're 400% more likely to catch a cold than those who log 7 or more hours.
  • Night owls weigh more — by a lot — according to a recent study in Sleep. Read the findings in the January issue of Prevention. It's on sale now on newsstands, or subscribe here to get the latest issue delivered straight to your door.
20 secrets for sound sleep
Do you need to remake your bedtime routine?
The occasional midday yawn doesn't mean you need an Ambien prescription, but true sleep deprivation can take a toll on your health. Here's how to tell if you need to make sleep a more urgent priority.

And here's how to repay your sleep debt and rest easy. Our tips are doctor recommended and all natural — and your furry friends can stay in bed with you (maybe).

Can't sleep? The solution may be in your kitchen.
5 clean bedtime snacks
You're well aware that coffee, fatty foods, and dark chocolate are the worst things to snack on before you hit the hay. But what are the best? We've got five right here. They're clean, tasty, and way more filling than a cup of chamomile tea.
Nighty night,

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