MacMost Newsletter
The MacMost Newsletter: Issue 675
December 9, 2021
When you create Quick Note in Safari in macOS Monterey it should maintain a link to that web page and allow you to return to that note the next time you visit that page. This could be useful, but the feature is a bit buggy.
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You can use either Pages or Keynote to build a photo collage. Pages is better suited to printing and exporting PDFs. Keynote is best for creating collages to be shared online or viewed on your screen. Both apps have the same tools so building a collage is similar in either app.
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Lots of Mac tips for using macOS Monterey. Tips on using the Finder, Menu Bar, Dock, System Preferences, Safari, Mail and much more including keyboard shortcuts and gestures. Something for everyone.
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TextEdit is an app that comes with your Mac and allows you to create and edit simple text and word processing documents. You can use it to create notes that exist as files, to record information, to start writing, edit code, or open Word documents.
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If you have a list of items you need to sort, you can do it using what you have on your Mac or some free apps. Learn how to sort in Pages, Numbers, the Terminal, VIM, CotEditor and using a Shortcut.
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Fixing a Windows 11 graphics bug, AWS outage affects everyone, Blink cameras. Also Cowboy Bebop and Get Back. Subscribe at iTunes...
I'm often asked about the software and gadgets I use to produce the MacMost videos and in my work as a developer. So I've compiled a list of the products I use and recommend. Check it out. -- Gary
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