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2016 Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study
See how you rank versus your peers on a wide range of email metrics.
  Download today  
To build a world-class marketing program, it's crucial to compare yourself to the best performers – but competitor data can be scarce.
With the exclusive "2016 Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study," this key data – and much more – is at your fingertips. Discover how you measure up across 25 open, click-through, list churn and mobile metrics, plus get insights on:
  • Industry-specific comparisons and geographic breakouts from across the world
  • Device usage, holiday trends, transactional emails and engagement rates
  • Benchmarks beyond "average," including median and top-performing quartiles
  • Using this data and related best practices to improve your email program
  Get your copy  
IBM IBM Marketing Cloud

IBM Marketing Cloud
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Sandy Springs, GA 30328, U.S.A.

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