Tech Digest July 2018
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Dear John,

When it comes to major cybersecurity breaches affecting millions of users, 2018 hasn’t been as bad as 2017, so far. But that doesn’t mean 2018 has been all quiet on the breach front. In fact, there have been both large-scale break-ins as well as some new types of hacks.

This Dark Reading Tech Digest explores the biggest cybersecurity breaches of the first half of 2018.

When you download this Digest you will read the following:

  • The Biggest Cybersecurity Breaches of 2018 (So Far): Despite increased spending and better defenses, the cyber hits just keep coming. Here’s a look at the year’s most critical breaches — and what enterprises can learn from them.
  • LA County Nonprofit Exposes 3.2M PII Files via Unsecured S3 Bucket: A misconfiguration accidentally compromised credentials, email addresses, and 200,000 rows of notes describing abuse and suicidal distress.
  • SunTrust Ex-Employee May Have Stolen Data on 1.5 Million Bank Clients: Names, addresses, phone numbers, and account balances may have been exposed.
  • Sears & Delta Airlines Are Latest Victims of Third-Party Security Breach: An insecure ecosystem of third parties connected to an enterprise network poses a growing risk, security analysts say.
  • And much more

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We hope you enjoy Dark Reading's Tech Digest on cybersecurity breaches.

Thank you,

Tim Wilson
Editor, Dark Reading


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