2018 Writer's Market and Writer's Market Deluxe Edition! |
In addition to the thousands of listings to help writers get their work published, this year's edition of the book includes new articles on building a foundation for long-term freelance success, e-mail newsletters for writers, industrial writing, and more. Plus, there is special access to an OnDemand webinar C. Hope Clark recorded especially for the Writer's Market books titled "Funding Your Writing Career." Click to continue. |
Robert Lee Brewer and Brian A. Klems breakdown the transition from freelancing to writing a novel (0:30), share what writers can do on social media to build their visibility (5:50), and talk with freelance writing expert and novelist Jessica McCann, who penned the award-winning historical novel All Different Kinds of Free (7:20). Listen Now... |
| Writer's Market Deluxe 2018 | Get the best combination of the latest Writer's Market book with a one-year subscription to WritersMarket.com! | $49.99 $34.99 | |
| Writer's Market 2018 | The guide that's been helping writers get published and get paid for their writing since 1921 includes thousands of listings for book publishers, magazines, agents, and more. | $29.99 $24.99 | |
| Guide to Literary Agents 2018 | Get the ultimate guide to literary agents with hundreds of listings for literary agents and how to create submissions they'll love! | $29.99 $24.99 | |
Robert Lee Brewer and Brian A. Klems share tips and funny encounters with literary agents (1:00), important advice for entering writing contests (11:30), and discuss how to approach an agent (and more) with literary agent Carly Watters (14:00). Listen Now... |
Great characters are wonderful, and a believable world is a must, but what keeps the pages turning past midnight? A super plot! Learn how to incorporate an incredible plot with the upcoming Plot Perfect Boot Camp. Learn directly from agents what makes for a terrific narrative from beginning to end and receive personalized feedback. Click to continue. |
Robert Lee Brewer Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor for the Writer's Digest Writing Community. He edits Writer's Market, directs online conferences, and writes for the magazine and website. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer. |