Your Horoscope For 2021: What to Expect, and What to Leave Behind
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The truth is, the change in the calendar year is rarely a clean break. Some things from 2020 will carry over, others will become building blocks for what’s next. And the things you do leave behind will become important lessons and landmarks in your personal history. Cycles of time are rarely linear in astrology, either. Planets move through different parts of the sky on their own orbits. They create seasons of their own, which play out here on Earth in the conversations, trends and changes. Some eras last longer than others. Some ideas take off, and others fall off into the ether. As we get ready for 2021, think about what you are carrying over from 2020. What plans and projects are staying with you? Also consider what needs to be left behind. While many people are eager for 2020 to be over because it represents a (hopeful) move away from the challenges of the pandemic, it’s easy to get distracted by global issues and forget to look at the smaller details of our personal lives. Read on for your individual horoscope to find out what 2021 has in store for you.
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